In the Woodshop 

     with Derek Cohen 


I live in Perth, Australia where I have specialised in child clinical psychology for the past 35 years. The woodshop is where I go to recharge. 

I am drawn to handtools, their design and use. I use machines for roughing out, however I prefer handtools for joinery, shaping and finishing. In a world of mechanical fasteners,  I use traditional vintage methods and  techniques.
Join me here in the trials and tribulations of the furniture builds. I hope the designs and methods provide you with some inspiration. All my articles have been dated, so be aware that there are changes in my methods over the years.

There is some vintage tools restoration as well, along with reviews of handtools I think others may find interesting.  Sharpening is an integral part of handtool use, and I've included a section for that as well.

Throughout my life I have been a compulsive tinkerer and modifier, and the articles on building tools are my opportunity to share with you some of my thoughts on design. Some are basic, some are fancy,  but all the tools are intended to be used.

I hope that you will have  fun and perhaps learn something new.

Be inspired. Be creative. Be bold.

Regards from Perth




Building Furniture
Hand Tool Restorations
 Shopmade Hand Tools
Hand Tool Reviews
Powered Tools And Machinery
Sharpening Techniques
